• rot1
  • End of year celebration!
    « Chalet Chic »
    November 29, 2019 - 6 p.m.
    Place Bonaventure, Montréal
    Exhibition Halls, (Level 400 West)


Location and eligibility

When and where is the event?
Our end of year celebration will be held at Place Bonaventure on November 29, 2019, starting at 6 p.m.
Why was Place Bonaventure chosen for the event?
We took into consideration your comments from previous years and chose Place Bonaventure because it is the best place to accommodate the large number of employees we have at CAE Montreal.
Who is eligible to come to the party?
The invitation will be sent to all CAE permanent (regular and part-time) employees located in Montreal, including Mirabel and Presagis.

Due to the difference in status of contingent workers (some of them working very occasionally with CAE teams, while others are integral members of these teams), it will be the direct manager’s responsibility to forward the invitation to contingent workers on their team whom they feel should be part of the celebration.
Is there a limit to how many people can attend?
Yes, the room can host about 2,000 guests, so register quickly! Registrations are completed on a “first come first serve basis”. This is why we ask leaders to use their judgment when inviting non-permanent employees.
Are students and short-term contract employees invited to the celebration?
Students and short-term contract employees will not be directly invited to the celebration. Because space is limited and because these employees usually work at CAE for a limited period of time, we want to ensure we prioritize permanent CAE employees.
I work the evening shift; how can I participate in the event?
We want all employees to be able to participate in the event. If you work the night shift, and register to the event, you will be able to make up your hours in November. Please contact your direct manager for more details.
What do I need to bring at the entrance?
Please bring your employee badge as well as your ticket (paper or electronic) to show at the entrance.
What is the cost per employee to attend the event?
The cost per employee for the event is $35 per person, tax included. CAE is paying for the rest of the cost per employee (about 80 % of the total cost). This includes a cocktail, three- course sit-down dinner with two glasses of wine per employee (more wine can be ordered at the table), entertainment, live band, DJ, midnight snack, and more!

Registration and table selection

How do I register for the celebration?
On the event’s website, click on the registration tab. You will then be able to select your table (the floor plan will be available with table numbers), your menu and make your payment by credit card.

This year, you have the ability to search where your colleagues are sitting so you can better organize your table. Once you see the floor plan, find the “search a name” field, and type in the password “cae2019”.
What is the deadline to register?
Please register and make your payment at caecelebrations.com by Tuesday, November 14.
Can I register without choosing a table?
To register for the celebration, you must select a table. If you reserve an entire table, it is important to know the names of your guests as well as each one’s menu (regular or vegetarian) and any dietary restrictions; without these you cannot proceed to a table reservation.
Can I reserve a specific seat at my table?
No, the seat shown on the floor plan just indicates that you have a seat booked at the table you chose. Only tables can be reserved, and seats will be chosen among the guests on the night of the event.
How can I ensure that I am seated at the same table as my colleagues?
Designate a person who will make the reservation and payment for the entire table for the team. You must indicate to him/her your choice of menu and any dietary restrictions.
What if I want to change my table number?
Please make every effort possible to select the right table when you reserve. Consult with your colleagues beforehand to see where they are sitting, and select the same table, or a table close by. You can also make your reservation together.

This year, you will have the ability to search where your colleagues are sitting so you can better organize your table. Once you see the floor plan, find the “search a name” field, and type in the password “cae2019”.

Table change requests will be treated on an exception basis. If you want to request a change, please send an email to scaron@diverso.ca.
I have food restrictions, who can I contact to have a special meal?
When you register on the event’s website, you will be able to let us know about your food restrictions, so we can have an appropriate meal prepared for you. A name plate with your dietary restrictions will be set at your place to make it easier for your waitperson to identify you.
I see a space to enter a promotional code for the event. Is there one available?
No, this is part of the way the platform is set-up. There is no promotional code for the event.
Will I receive a confirmation once I make my payment?
Yes, you will receive a booking confirmation and your e-ticket via email. Please add the event to your Outlook calendar.
What if I registered and made my payment, but cannot attend the event anymore?
If you cannot attend the celebration anymore, you can give your ticket to a colleague who would like to be at the table you have reserved. If that is not possible, please send us an email at scaron@diverso.ca and we will ask for a refund.

Dress code, parking and additional information

What is the event’s dress code?
The dress code is “chic”, and it’s up to your own interpretation. If chic is a long dress for you, then go for it! If it’s a shirt and tie, that works too! If it’s dressy pants and a sparkly top, that’s also dressy chic! And since our theme this year is “chalet chic,” you can also dress up based on what the theme inspires in you!
Why are spouses not invited?
This event is meant to celebrate the end of the year and connect between colleagues, which is why it is reserved to CAE employees only. Also, we want to include as many employees as possible in this celebration and space restriction does not allow for extra guests. Reserving the celebration for CAE employees only also helps us provide a better experience for our guests.

After last year’s event, we conducted a survey and over 60% of employees indicated that they preferred a celebration without spouses.

Note that other CAE events (such as the Children’s holiday party) are specifically created to involve the families of CAE employees.
Is there parking available?
Place Bonaventure has indoor parking of 750 spaces, accessible from Mansfield Street (click here for more details). Street parking is also available around Place Bonaventure. We recommend that you carpool with colleagues to the venue (or use public transportation). Parking fees will be at the employee’s expense.
Can employees bring their own wine?
No, employees cannot bring their own wine at the celebration.
I am worried that I won’t be able to drive back home after the event, what do you recommend?
Alcotests will be available at the end of the celebration, so that employees can check if they are fit to drive. We encourage all employees to be responsible and ask someone to drive them back or find an alternative way to get home if they are not fit to drive.
Does CAE have some preferred hotel rates for those who wish to stay at the hotel?
Yes, CAE has some preferred vendors, which you can find here. Note that this is not an expense that you will be able to claim.


Questions? Head to the FAQ section!